interesting pharm bio lab Friday, October 19, 2007
for pharmaceutical biology prac this week, we had 12 "volunteers" to "donate" their urine for analysis..2 ppl to 1 urine-donater: 1 to do the analysis (wearing gloves, not touch anything other than experiment apparatus, not even pen or own lab coat) and the other as data recorder (does not wear gloves and does nothing but write and calculate).
after playing one-two-jus, it was decided that i lost and i had to be the analyser and yeefang is the data recorder and the urine donater is non other than our very own lukman..
it was disgusting..
but she had fun..
u dunno how i feel yeefang.......
he had to drink 750ml of coffee
which is 4 cups....
every 20 minutes after that, he had to go to the toilet, bringing along a beaker to pee into, a big measuring cylinder to measure the volume, and a small measuring cylinder if the volume "produced" is too little to be measured by the big one..
the tutor also said, "guys, u can just straight pee into the measuring cylinder if u like..but for gurls..i think it would be easier to pee into the beaker 1st and then pour into the measuring cylinder.."
and the whole class laughed.......
this is me getting the pH of the urine..
and getting the reading of Na+ and K+ electrolytes..
There was this time when i was working on this benchtop and the guy next to me accidentally spilt his pee on the benchtop man!! it was like super concentrated yellow and disgusting!! i quickly "saved" lukman's bottle and urine and went far far away while the guy was like "shittt...shittt..." and started wiping the benchtop with alotttttttt of tissues..yuck!
this is another friend's "series" of urine from 0 minutes all the way to 100 minutes..i couldnt bear the sight of lukman's after i did the individual tests for each 20 mins, i threw the bottles away lukman doesnt have his series.. =)
gosh this is so gross..and i'm now facing a bowl of soup which is the same colour as urine..yuckss..i shall stop drinking already or i shall puke..
if u're reading this..
posted by ~luckystar~ @ 5:42 PM