Today i went to carousel with yijia, wanted to watch iron man coz heard that it's quite good yijia checked the on9 hoytts thingee, and said there was a movie scheduled for 1pm, so i rushed back from class after 12pm, even though sooo banyak ppl stayed back to 'ask questions' to mr lengchai wolfgang..blek..
Went to carousel, reach the cinema, and realised that on that big-board-thing-that-tells-what-time-got-what-movie and realise that there's only movie for 12.15, 3, 5pm etc....we were like super char dau can!! ok we went to eat 'good food' (meaning not in food court) to compensate for the pekchek-ness of having to go carousel again some other we chose han's cafe, partly also bcoz its the nearest to the cinema and we were both starving..
Looking at the menu, i thought tomyum would be good since quite long didnt eat good tom yum adi (no offence teoyijia.. =P) but what a disappointment it was!! it was like overly sour, make my stomach and in fact my whole body like sour sour uncomfortable..
Then after lunch we went to walk walk a while, and then decided to tapau my fav choc cake from fast edds, thinking we'll fast fast go back and eat, so that the ice cream will not melt..when they 'presented' the cake to me in its container, it was such a huggggeeeeee piece that the fast edds ppl themselves cannot close the container! pass me the lid expect me to close it myself! it was like wayyyy higher than the height of the container!! so i had to squuaasssshhhh the cake and made it penyek..ended up when i reached home and opened the container, the top of the cake looked like this:

Back track abit..upon reaching the bus stop, we realised we missed the bus by like 4 mins!! wah lauuuuu pekchek lor have to wait so long with all the stuff we werre carrying, and most importantly, my ice cream was melted and it was leaking into the oranges that i bought! what a sight man..
But the highlight has to be this:
Know how i got it?? the poor innocent me as always, (so not.. =P) was sitting and minding my own business in the bus when the bus reached this bus stop where there was this ah-bo aunty sitting, so the bus stopped for her, opened its door, but she was like talking to the bus driver and didnt want to come up. so the driver closed the door and wanted to move off, when she suddenly shouted "WEI!!" the bus stopped with a jerk and she want to naik duwan to naik make me so pekchek coz i want to get home asap and clean up my oranges and eat my cake + melted ice cream!
FiNALLY she decided she'd come on board, and so she paid and she did..while walking towards the seats behind me, she accidentally bumped into my hand, which was happily placed within my seat boundary, not exceeding the imaginary line of the arm i dont care la, i mean..ppl can make mistakes and accidentally bump into me wan ma..and summore that aunty look so kusut masai and walk terumbang ambing lidat..i forgive her.. BUT THEN HOR!! wah lau she didnt only NOT apologize, but she whack my hand instead and shouted "HEY WATCH UR HANDS!"
WAH super SIONG can!! i was like H-E-L-L-O like it was ur fault wei and shot her a what-did-i-do look! but i was kinda scared also la..coz she looks like she can bite my head off so angry coz the driver 'didnt wait for her' konon.. actually more scared coz she looked like thousand years never bathe i scared she will hug me and i will kena some infectious bacterial disease..
Then luckily she left me and continued to membebel behind me..she even asked some of the other passengers to shut up and stop talking! so scary happy when we finally reached vick house bus stop..quickly left the bus man..
I felt very geli la the whole time after she whack my hand but i didnt dare to look at it coz scared she will think i'm complaining and she will whack me another time, this time harder or i diam diam only..WAH when i reached home hor! i examined my hand and it had like one long scratch across my arm mannn..this aunty words to describe her random-ness man..
Then after that i IMMEDIATELY went to have a HOT shower, despite the hot weather, and my hot temper.. to kill off the germs/bacteria/virus/microorganisms in general..
I know la i'm very paranoid..where got scratch 1 scratch lidat will get disease wan..but it doesnt help that every day and night for dunno how many weeks i've been listening to lectures and i lectures about different bacteria and how they infect humans and their pathogenecity and all the scary diseases they can cause to us! can die wan u know all those diseases!!
Ok la i'm clean now that's the main point..i'm so cham today lian ke lian me abit plzz..
Conclusion: i shall sit window seat next time in the bus! everyone else plz dont rebut with me!